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Dublin Book Festival where some of Ireland’s best writers gather

Featuring more than fifty events and around one hundred authors and contributors, the annual Dublin Book Festival kicks-off this Thursday evening at Hodges Figgis in Dawson Street in the Irish capital's downtown area.

“It was an honor putting together this year’s programme,” said Julianne Mooney, festival programme director. “It is always a difficult task as there are so many new books and authors emerging within Ireland every week, that it’s hard to feature them all. The festival is here to showcase Ireland’s talent and to bring readers and writers together, a community of book lovers.”

The four-day festival involves a diverse range of events, from author readings to a focus on business to lectures on different aspects of writing thrillers, crime fiction and book reviews. There are also various guided Dublin walks including a literary and an architectural tour.

With Ireland commemorating the centenary of the 1916 revolution next year, not only does the festival host a special walk on it but also a seminar with experts discussing various aspects of the historic event, from famous personalities that were involved to the women and children of the rising to how seven rebels from the Abbey Theatre experienced the week-long event and its aftermath.

New Writers should note the ‘Meet the Editors’ event at Boys’ School, Smock Alley, at which publishing leaders will offer key advice on how best to submit manuscripts.

Also on Friday, the Irish book association, Publishing Ireland, will hold its annual trade event at which delegates discuss the challenges and opportunities in the industry.

Look for Ireland Writing Retreat's representatives there if you would like to talk to us about next year's session.

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Stay tuned for more news from the wilds of west Donegal on Ireland's famous Wild Atlantic Way.

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