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Ireland Writing Retreat helps launch exciting new novel in downtown Dublin

Ireland Writing Retreat is proud to be involved in the official launch next month in central Dublin of recently-released high-concept novel PRETTY UGLY, focusing on the dangers from toxic chemicals in everyday cosmetics, the first novel ever written with this subject as its central theme.

Penned by international journalist and author Sean Hillen, a creative writing coach at the Retreat, PRETTY UGLY links media, medicine and politics on this ongoing controversial health issue while tackling the roles of the media, the cosmetic industry and leading politicians in Washington DC. Much of the novel's drama takes place in the beautiful area of west Donegal where the Ireland Writing Retreat takes place.

The novel's official launch will take place at The Gutter Bookshop. It is sure to be an enjoyable evening, combining drinks, including special Donegal whisky, convivial conversation and literature. Due to seating restrictions, if you wish to attend please RSVP here as soon as possible to have your name placed on the admissions list: BOOK LAUNCH

PRETTY UGLY couldn't be more timely. The law regulating the rich and powerful cosmetics industry has not been changed since 1938 though right now a key Senate Committee is holding important public hearings to rectify that and provide better consumer protections.

I hope my novel takes readers on an intriguing journey, from the cities of Boston, Washington, New York and Kansas City to Belfast and then to Donegal, one of the most beautiful regions of Ireland, while focusing centrally on the key ethical and health issue involving rapidly developing nano-technologies,” said Sean.

At this year’s week-long Ireland Writing Retreat beginning late June, Sean will teach a unique course entitled ‘IQ Training for Creative Writing – The Art of Asking Questions.’ “The five W’s – who, what, where, why, when - are as important in creative writing as they are in journalism,” said Sean. “Getting them right, then adding that special ingredient, ‘What if?’ helps produce enticing, quality story-lines and credible characters. Summed up in two words: ‘I Question.’ (IQ)

As background, during his 30-year media career both in the US and Europe, Sean has been medical and science reporter, foreign correspondent and business editor and publisher. Media outlets he has worked for have included the BBC, Time magazine, The Times and Daily Telegraph of London and The Irish Times in Dublin, as well as at the UN Media Center in New York. He was also chairperson of a national US Fulbright program for a number of years.

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