Winter is on the horizon on our Wild Atlantic Way and more and more drops of red begin to shine in window shops, sounds of bells pour out into the streets and bright stars glitter on shelves.
And we all begin our adventure with the art of ‘gift giving.
To help you on your quest, we at Ireland Writing Retreat, have FIVE different Inspiration Packages you can choose from, as a gift for the writers in your life:
And we are happy to take on the role of the Elves and create a personalized certificate to make it special.

And here is at least one reason why we think this is a great idea:
A Gift That Gives Right Back? The Giving Itself
“When my mom died a few years ago, my siblings and I were discussing the many ways life would be different without her. “No more presents,” my brother noted.
My mother was passionate about gifts. As an adult, I often urged her to stop giving presents and spend the money on herself, but she refused. She liked giving gifts too much.
Gift giving has long been a favorite subject for studies on human behavior, with psychologists, anthropologists, economists and marketers all weighing in. They have found that giving gifts is a surprisingly complex and important part of human interaction, helping to define relationships and strengthen bonds with family and friends. Indeed, psychologists say it is often the giver, rather than the recipient, who reaps the biggest psychological gains from a gift.” (by Tara Parker-Pope
New York Times) See full article HERE.