With bright blue skies above us, sunshine bathing the silvery slopes of Errigal mountain here in northwestern Ireland and Covid restrictions being lifted, we feel a refreshing sense of freedom and renewal.
That’s why we’re looking forward to re-starting our series of week-long creative writing retreats for the ‘culturally curious’ with the first taking place along the soft, sandy beaches of the Black Sea next month (August 23 to 29), the second in September (20 to 26) right here in legendary Donegal and the third in romantic Paris, the City of Lights (October 18 to 24).
Join us for a memorable summer or autumn getaway (or both) with lots of fascinating excursions to historic and cultural sites and lively, interactive creative writing workshops and seminars, plus live music and food and drinks tastings.
Please note - due to the personal nature of tuition, participation is limited to 10 persons only so register now to guarantee your place.

Buoyed by that same sense of freedom and renewal, we’ve also decided the next edition of our ‘Wild Atlantic Writing Awards’ (WAWA) will be a completely open one, meaning you can choose whatever theme you wish.
For this competition, we welcome whatever stories you decide to send in to us, as long as it is within our customary 500-word limit, in both flash fiction and creative nonfiction, with 1,000 euro in prize money.
It’s a perfect time for you to select the stories you’ve already finished and are proud of or the ones you’ve started but that remain unfinished on your desktop or on a sheet of paper tucked away in a drawer. Then simply email them to us before our competition deadline of midnight Irish time, Thursday, September 30th 2021. Multiple entries are welcome.
For flash fiction, your story can be in any genre, sci-fi, crime, romance, horror, humor, thriller, fantasy, mystery, whatever you choose. It can be erotic, funny or frightening and for any audience - children, young adults and mainstream.
In creative nonfiction, your story can be memoir, profile, journalism, personal essay, food or travel writing, opinion column, any style as long as it’s non-fiction.
And to add a little spice to the mix and help focus your mind, one teeny-weeny challenge is that the title of your story MUST be 3 (three) words only, no more, no less.
We look forward to reading your work and seeing you at one of our writing retreats (you’ve worked hard enough, you deserve a treat, don’t delay, let this be the one).