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‘Time’ For A New Writing Competition

Welcome to the fifth ‘Wild Atlantic Writing Awards’ (WAWA) competition to welcome the New Year which we hope will provide challenge, diversion and enjoyment for you over the holidays and into next year as well.

As with all our competitions, there will be two separate categories - flash fiction and creative nonfiction.

Flash Fiction Category

We feel the theme of ‘Time’ with all its dimensions and connotations will appeal to you as it spans so many genres – sci-fi, crime, romance, horror, humor, thriller, mystery, whatever tickles you and your Muse’s fancy.

Creative Nonfiction Category

As for our creative nonfiction competition, we offer you a similar challenge.

To write a story of not more than 500 words with ‘Time’ as a key element. Your story can be in the form of memoir, profile, literary journalism, personal essay, travel (and remember, award-winning travel articles don't have to be about exotic destinations, it could be about your own hometown), food or any creative nonfiction category you prefer.


As our week-long retreats are bespoke, we can only host a limited number of participants on each retreat, so if you are interested, we advise you to


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